Ukraine Snowflake Template – PDF (Advanced)


Symbols of Ukraine Snowflake Template – Downloadable PDF (Advanced)


This snowflake was designed with the help of our Ukrainian friends who taught us about the different symbols of Ukraine. The tryzub has a long history (over a thousand years, if not more). In a similar shape of a trident, it symbolizes the warriors protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. Ukraine is one of the largest suppliers of sunflowers in the world. The sunflower has historically represented peace. In 1996, ministers from the U.S., Russia and Ukraine marked Ukraine’s nuclear weapon disarmament by planting sunflowers at the Pervomaysk missile base. While the peace did not last, the symbol remains strong and has become a call on leaders to plant the seeds again for a more peaceful future.
I love these two symbols because they perfectly describe the Ukrainian families we have been privileged to serve. They are strong, resilient, and have pride for their country. And with that strength comes a determination for peace, to reestablish the security and freedom taken from their land.
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Supplies you’ll need:

This is a downloadable PDF that you can print, fold, and cut at your leisure. You will get a unique link to the PDF after you complete your purchase. Be sure to download and save the printable snowflake template. You are free to print this template as much as you want for your personal use. If your first attempt at cutting doesn’t turn out as you hoped, you can print another copy and try again. Flake it till you make it!

Watch the video to see how to make a Ukraine Paper Snowflake.

Learn how to use a Moflakes Template on the How-To Page


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