Jonah and the Whale Snowflake – PDF (Intermediate)


Jonah and the Whale Paper Snowflake Template – Downloadable PDF (Intermediate)


The Jonah and the Whale Snowflake Template represents one of the most well known stories from the Bible. Jonah was commanded by God to go to the people of Nineveh and preach repentance to them. Johan didn’t want to go to Nineveh and went the opposite direction. While at sea, God sent a storm that threatened to destroy the ship. The crew decided to throw Jonah overboard to bring the storm to an end. While in the water, Jonah was swallowed by a giant fish, often referred to as a whale. Johan remained in the belly of the fish for three days before being spit out. This experience humbled Jonah and he ended up going to Nineveh. Good thing he did because the people of Nineveh accepted his teachings and repented of their ways.

This snowflake pattern has a boat with sails and a whale with Jonah inside.

Supplies you’ll need:

This is a downloadable PDF that you can print, fold, and cut at your leisure. You will get a unique link to the PDF after you complete your purchase. Be sure to download and save the printable snowflake template. You are free to print this template as much as you want for your personal use. If your first attempt at cutting doesn’t turn out as you hoped, you can print another copy and try again. Flake it till you make it!

Watch the video to see how to make a Jonah and the Whale Paper Snowflake.

Learn how to use a Moflakes Template on the How-To Page


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