
Holly Leaves Snowflake Template – PDF (Intermediate)

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Holly Leaves Snowflake Template – Downloadable PDF (Intermediate)


Deck the halls with flakes of holly, fla la la la la, la la, la, la. This is the Holly Leaves Snowflake. A common decoration during the Christmas season is holly leaves. It can be used in garland, wreaths, or even as a substitute for mistletoe. Many Christmas songs have “holly” in the title. Here are a few:

  1. “Holly Jolly Christmas”
  2. “The Holly and the Ivy”
  3. “Mistletoe and Holly”

This snowflake pattern has six large holly leaves connected by six smaller holly berries. It is a pretty simple design, but has a lot of curved cuts that bring it up to the intermediate difficulty.

Supplies you’ll need (#ad):

This is a downloadable PDF that you can print, fold, and cut at your leisure. You will get a unique link to the PDF after you complete your purchase. Be sure to download and save the printable snowflake template. You are free to print this template as much as you want for your personal use. If your first attempt at cutting doesn’t turn out as you hoped, you can print another copy and try again. Flake it till you make it!

Watch the video to see how to make a Bells Paper Snowflake.

Learn how to use a Moflakes Template on the How-To Page


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